Michael is a sponsored athlete, fitness model, breakdancer, and online coach based in Los Angeles, CA. He has an extensive background in calisthenics, hybrid training, bodyweight training and dance/choreography.
Mqichael Vazquez says this on his Website
I started out by running, setting small goals like 1 mile this week, add a mile next week etc. I then saw online there was this mud run race filled with exciting obstacles and immediately was drawn to it. I started conditioning my body with more running, interval training and high endurance body weight movements. This is where I started to format my hybrid style of training you see today. I completed the mud run successfully and that was the fuel I needed to drive me where I am now.
Fast forward a couple years to when I signed up on Instagram, not knowing it would be such a huge impact in my life. I started posting my unorthodox way of training and people started to really dig it.
At first everyone thought I was a crazy “monkey jumping” up and down and doing pushups in a weird fashion, but they eventually realized that this style of training can help with so many outlets in their lives.
I’m constantly learning. I started doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu a year ago and now I’m doing MMA so I can do my first fight by the end of 2019. I always push myself always try to better and improve my weaknesses and I don’t think I could’ve done it without fitness and my family.
My son especially, for inspiring me to get off the couch and to be a better role model. He sees me workout and he responds to it genuinely. It’s like he wants to be like his old man and it’s a beautiful thing to see because 8 years ago he would’ve saw something different … and I have this journey to thank.
If you’re someone who constantly wants to be motivated my movements will push you further than what you thought were capable.
If your an athlete, martial artist or bad ass you can take my training and be 10 times more successful with my endurance and strength-building workouts. It took forever for me to learn and master various movements but once I finally did, I fell in love with blending and creating different variations of movement into my own style. I saw for myself through trial and error that it doesn’t need to be just one style of training but all of them fused together to be one.
Today, I now am fortunate enough to be able to inspire millions of people everyday to not only feel better, but live an overall healthy lifestyle.
Endless possibilities: that’s how I see fitness!

Michael Vasquez was born in 1983 in St. Petersburg, Florida. In 2001, he moved to Miami to attend New World School of the Arts, where he graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2005. Upon graduating, Vasquez began showing with Fredric Snitzer Gallery in Miami, Florida.
In 2007, Fredric Snitzer Gallery mounted Vasquez’s first solo exhibition, “Family Jewels.” Drawn from his personal experience as an only child of a single parent mother, Vasquez explored the allure of a neighborhood street gang through the perspective of a boy growing up without a father figure. Later that same year, The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art in Kansas City, Missouri gave Vasquez his first solo museum exhibition, “Michael Vasquez: Authority Figures.” While in Kansas City, Vasquez delivered his first public lecture about his work to co-inside with the exhibition’s programing. He also spent time sharing his work and talking about his life experience with at risk youth at The Mattie Rhodes Center.
Continuing his exploration, Vasquez opened “How The Land Lies” in 2009 at the Fredric Snitzer Gallery. Vasquez presented the gang as an extended family, accompanied by it's own set of values that seemed to communicate and instill a level of masculinity and toughness beyond a mother's capability. Exploring the duality within these values and accompanying feelings, Vasquez presented mirroring aspects of pride and shame, affiliation and separation, respect and disrespect, etc, all while drawing out the histories, streetwise social codes, and mythic nature of a neighborhood street gang.
In 2010, Vasquez was invited to the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga, Tennessee to take part in their John and Diane Marek Visiting Artist Lecture Series. There, Vasquez delivered multiple lectures about his work both privately in the classroom and publicly during the opening reception of his exhibition “Michael Vasquez: What Comes With The Territory.” Continuing his commitment to community involvement, while in Chattanooga Vasquez spent time with the mentally disabled at the AIM (Achievement Independence Motivation) Center. Michael Vasquez’s work was also shown internationally for the first time in 2010, when it was included in “Franks - Suss Collection” at the Saatchi Gallery in London, England.
Michaels training style is what some would call a ‘Hybrid’ style. His go too exercise are kettlebell swings, squats and push ups. He says that these 3, for him build a solid groundwork for functional strength.
By running such varied workouts, that include his breakdancing and CrossFit, Michael can really shred through fat by keeping his body surprised at what’s coming next.
When it comes to training and hitting your workout goals, Michael Vazquez believes you need to visualize them. Literally. By writing a list of goals you can work through them and get closer to hitting your targets.
There isn’t too many workouts online, although you can reach out and by a plan from his website or from Bodybuilding.com. But if you want to build that shredded and athletic physique Vazquez is known for, you can follow his 400 rep workout.
Complete 1 set of each exercise without rest in between. You need to work hard and ensure you use correct form and get your heart rate up!
Juggernaut Workout: 1 Set, 50 Reps of Each
In early 2012, Michael Vasquez presented his solo exhibition “Rites of Passage” at Fredric Snitzer Gallery. This exhibition marked an exciting expansion in Vasquez’s artistic approach. In an effort to more directly integrate his photographs—a retrospective of his career as an artist—Vasquez revisited, resized, and reassembled his images to fashion aggressive, large-scale, relief photo sculptures that narrated a neighborhood street gangʼs convergence. Within this, Vasquez highlighted the experiences of a teen undergoing a ritualistic initiation into the gang, or rite of passage, while in search of ideals of masculinity and community. In his book, “The Rites of Passage,” Arnold van Gennep defines a rite of passage as the “transitional phase between childhood and full inclusion into a tribe or social group.” Vasquezʼs unique interpretation of Gennepʼs three phases of the rite -- separation, transition, and reincorporation served as the connective premise of this exhibition.
Michael Vasquez’s work has also been included in numerous institutional and museum exhibitions such as his aforementioned solo shows at The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art in 2007 and The University of Tennessee in Chattanooga in 2010 ; “Metro Pictures” at The Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami in 2006; “Pivot Points Part 2: New Mythologies,” also at The Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, and “GEN-X: Post Boomers and the New South,” Mobile Museum of Art in Mobile, Alabama, both in 2008; “New Work Miami 2010,” at the Miami Art Museum in 2010; “Florida Contemporary 2011,” at the Naples Museum of Art in Naples, Florida; “Vanishing Points: Paint and Paintings from the Debra and Dennis Scholl Collection,” at the Bass Museum of Art in Miami Beach, Florida; and "The Human Touch" at SMoCA in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Currently, Vasquez has seven works included in the exhibition "Portraiture Now: Staging the Self,” at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington D.C. The exhibition features six artists of Latin American decent whose work speaks to issues of culture and identity. Vasquez has given two museum lectures to co-inside with this exhibition, and was also honored with opportunity to serve as a guest speaker during the Smithsonian Latino Center’s Young Ambassadors Program, a week long series of lectures and workshops with some of the United States’ brightest high school students. “Portraiture Now : Staging the Self” will close at the National Portrait Gallery on April 12th, 2015, at which point it will travel to the Americas Society in New York City, and then to the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2016.
Later this year, Vasquez will mount a solo exhibition at Miami Dade College’s Museum of Art and Design, housed in the historic Freedom Tower in downtown Miami. Simultaneously, he is also working towards a gallery solo exhibition he hopes to open Fall / Winter of 2015.

Chin Up x 3 (15-20 Reps)
Weighted Chin Up x 3 (4-6 Reps)
Diamond Push Up x 3 (15-20 Reps)
Weighted Push Ups x 3 (4-6 Reps)
Bodyweight Sumo Squat x 3 (25 reps)
Sumo Dumbbell Squat x 3 (10-12 reps)
Bodyweight Lunge x 3 (12 reps)
Barbell Walking Lunge x 3 (12 Reps)
Burpee x 1 (3 Minutes, continuous)
Treadmill Sprints x 3 (400 Meters, short rest)
The above routine will not only hit your abs, but your entire body. Giving you that full body burn. Ouch. To get a body like Michael Vazquez, you also need to have a Michael Vazquez diet though.
There isn’t too many workouts online, although you can reach out and by a plan from his website or from Bodybuilding.com. But if you want to build that shredded and athletic physique Vazquez is known for, you can follow his 400 rep workout.
Complete 1 set of each exercise without rest in between. You need to work hard and ensure you use correct form and get your heart rate up!
Juggernaut Workout: 1 Set, 50 Reps of Each
- Pushups
- Jump Squats
- Inverted Rows
- Bench Jumps (25 reps per side)
- Dumbell Shoulder Presses
- Front Barbell Squat
- Alternating Renegade Rows (25 reps per side)
- Pushups
In early 2012, Michael Vasquez presented his solo exhibition “Rites of Passage” at Fredric Snitzer Gallery. This exhibition marked an exciting expansion in Vasquez’s artistic approach. In an effort to more directly integrate his photographs—a retrospective of his career as an artist—Vasquez revisited, resized, and reassembled his images to fashion aggressive, large-scale, relief photo sculptures that narrated a neighborhood street gangʼs convergence. Within this, Vasquez highlighted the experiences of a teen undergoing a ritualistic initiation into the gang, or rite of passage, while in search of ideals of masculinity and community. In his book, “The Rites of Passage,” Arnold van Gennep defines a rite of passage as the “transitional phase between childhood and full inclusion into a tribe or social group.” Vasquezʼs unique interpretation of Gennepʼs three phases of the rite -- separation, transition, and reincorporation served as the connective premise of this exhibition.
Michael Vasquez’s work has also been included in numerous institutional and museum exhibitions such as his aforementioned solo shows at The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art in 2007 and The University of Tennessee in Chattanooga in 2010 ; “Metro Pictures” at The Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami in 2006; “Pivot Points Part 2: New Mythologies,” also at The Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, and “GEN-X: Post Boomers and the New South,” Mobile Museum of Art in Mobile, Alabama, both in 2008; “New Work Miami 2010,” at the Miami Art Museum in 2010; “Florida Contemporary 2011,” at the Naples Museum of Art in Naples, Florida; “Vanishing Points: Paint and Paintings from the Debra and Dennis Scholl Collection,” at the Bass Museum of Art in Miami Beach, Florida; and "The Human Touch" at SMoCA in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Currently, Vasquez has seven works included in the exhibition "Portraiture Now: Staging the Self,” at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington D.C. The exhibition features six artists of Latin American decent whose work speaks to issues of culture and identity. Vasquez has given two museum lectures to co-inside with this exhibition, and was also honored with opportunity to serve as a guest speaker during the Smithsonian Latino Center’s Young Ambassadors Program, a week long series of lectures and workshops with some of the United States’ brightest high school students. “Portraiture Now : Staging the Self” will close at the National Portrait Gallery on April 12th, 2015, at which point it will travel to the Americas Society in New York City, and then to the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2016.
Later this year, Vasquez will mount a solo exhibition at Miami Dade College’s Museum of Art and Design, housed in the historic Freedom Tower in downtown Miami. Simultaneously, he is also working towards a gallery solo exhibition he hopes to open Fall / Winter of 2015.

Chin Up x 3 (15-20 Reps)
Weighted Chin Up x 3 (4-6 Reps)
Diamond Push Up x 3 (15-20 Reps)
Weighted Push Ups x 3 (4-6 Reps)
Bodyweight Sumo Squat x 3 (25 reps)
Sumo Dumbbell Squat x 3 (10-12 reps)
Bodyweight Lunge x 3 (12 reps)
Barbell Walking Lunge x 3 (12 Reps)
Burpee x 1 (3 Minutes, continuous)
Treadmill Sprints x 3 (400 Meters, short rest)
The above routine will not only hit your abs, but your entire body. Giving you that full body burn. Ouch. To get a body like Michael Vazquez, you also need to have a Michael Vazquez diet though.
Michael will focus heavily on whole natural foods when it comes to his diet. Keeping that lean requires him to monitor his calorie intake slightly and keep his diet on point. With the right amount of protein, carbs and fats you can ensure your muscles are fueled and body fat is kept to a minimum.
It’s likely that he will eat a few smaller meals through the day, ensuring he is kept properly fed in between workouts and activities.
Taking the above workout as an example, you’ll not only need to have lean proteins though, but some carbs to ensure your energy levels are up.
Remember, if you are wanting to maintain weight, lose weight or put weight on your calorie intake is going to be different. A good base rule to follow is 500 calories over maintenance for gain, 500 under for weight loss. This allows you the best chance of building slabs of lean muscle like Michael is covered in.
Remember, don’t under eat if you are taking on intensive workouts and try and cut as much junk out as possible. The occasional cheat meal can be ok, but generally you need to be eating good and whole foods. One tactic could be to shop round the edges of the supermarket. Which keeps clean, perishable foods in your diet.
As for an example meal plan, what Michael Vazquez eats probably looks something like this:
½ cup oatmeal (cooked using non-fat milk or water)
½ cup mixed berries
2 whole eggs
2 slices whole wheat bread/ pita/ wrap
5 oz. can chicken breast
2-4 Tbsp. light mayo
¼ C chopped celery
2 Tbsp. chopped red onion
Serve with 1 orange or other fruit
1 turkey or chicken breast patty
1 whole wheat sandwich bun topped with avocado, tomato, onion, lettuce
Serve with small baked sweet potato
1 oz. (or 10 walnut halves)
Handful of raisins
Protein Shake

My Other Website and Blog : PYQ Papers
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